EasiShare Web


  • E-mail Notifications

Admins can set up e-mail reminders to be sent out to remind users that their accounts or passwords will be expired from the system X days prior to it (e.g. 3 days). 

  • Remove Access From Shared Folders 

Admins can set up e-mail reminders to be sent out to remind users that their accounts or passwords will be expired from the system X days prior to it (e.g. 3 days). 


  • Watermarks 
    • ​There will be a watermark with the recipient’s email address and name on the document that was shared with “view only” feature to protect the confidential documents.
    • There will be no watermark for the internal users other than the ones with “viewer” permission while previewing a document. Users with “viewer” permission will see a watermark on the document with their name and email address.
  • Sharing via Desktop

While sharing documents via EasiShare Desktop, path URLs of the files are now shown only to internal users, eliminating confusion for external users.

  • Server Connection For Single-Sign-On 

We’ve implemented an option to connect to Relay Web Server (WS) instead of just the EasiShare Web Service (ESWS) while using Single Sign On feature to easily adapt to different server architectures.

EasiShare Desktop

  • Revoke File Request Button

We’ve added a button to revoke file requests to easily revoke the request you made and the folder will have a message next to it, saying “…will be purged soon”
  • Shared Folder

​Now users can find the “Shared In” and “Shared Out” folders under one “Shared” folder.


  • Watermarks 
    • ​There will be a watermark with the recipient’s email address and name on the document that was shared with “view only” feature to protect the confidential documents.
    • There will be no watermark for the internal users other than the ones with “viewer” permission while previewing a document. Users with “viewer” permission will see a watermark on the document with their name and email address.
  • Remove Access From Shared Folders
​Users can remove their own permissions from shared folders from their drives directory list smoothly same as the EasiShare Web.
  • Faster Downloads 
​​Downloads will be faster thanks to the multi-threaded processing.